
Start Exploring

Your Options

To fight foreclosure, you need to understand how the process works. In Mississippi, your mortgoge company does not have to file a lowsuit against you and get a court order to sell your home. They aren’t even required to send you a letter informing you when the sale will be.

That’s why you should contact our law office as soon as possible if you’ve been notified that you’re in threat of foreclosure. The sooner you take action, the better chances you will have to save your home.

When you contact us for a consultation, we discuss your situation in detail to determine the best solution for you, You can count on us to help you navigate the paperwork and each stage of the proceedings. Our team can also assist you with other debt solutions like filing for bankruptcy.

Talk to our

Foreclosure Attorneys

Fighting foreclosure is a complicated and emotional process. Make us your ally, and we will work tirelessly to get the most favorable outcome for your situation.

Contact the Law Office of Chelsea Bair Minton to speak with some of the most trusted foreclosure attorneys in Mississippi. We’re committed to helping clients like you get back on your feet!