Wage Garnishments

The Trusted

Wage Garnishment Lawyer

Nothing can stifle your financial freedom quite like wage garnishment. If you find yourself burdened with this court-ordered obligation, you might also find that it also makes it more difficult to repay debts and pay bills.

A garnishment can be invasive and prevent you from living your life. However, it is possible to renegotiate the terms of these agreements. By working with the Law Office of Chelsea Bair Minton, you have the chance to regain your financial footing. We are the wage garnishment lawyer in Mississippi, you can trust.

Helping you renew your bearings

On Wage Garnishment

A wage garnishment is a court-ordered seizure of your income. A portion of what you earn is automatically deducted from your paycheck and given to the person or entity that is entitled to it. There ore many situations where the court might order a gamishment, including child support, the terms of a divorce, or being indebted to lenders.

Despite its intentions, the fact of the matter is that a garnishment can adversely affect your life. Losing money before you even have access to it can turn an already precanous situation worse. rortunately, you have options.

Our attorneys are weil-versed in bankruptcy law and wage garnishments, We will work with you to explore your options and to take appropriate legal action. With us at your side, it is possible to steer your situation towards the best possible outcome.

Request a consultation with our bankruptcy attorney today. We proudly serve residents throughout Hattiesburg. MS, and the surrounding area.